Tradiciones Africanas
/p>All mankind can have access to clean water with small investments instead of wasting money on weapons.
We are offering Distant Education to youths in Delta State Nigeria.
Palm oil
Primitive production of palm oil should be encouraged and transformed into Micro_Industries as a way of empowering the peasants.
Flour Mill in the backyard.
Cottage Flour Mills can be set up in villages that produce wheat..
Cottage Industries based on rubber can ampower the rural population.
Cottage Industries based on cassava can ampower the rural population.
The richest of all Trees..
Cottage Industries based on Oil Palm Trees can ampower the rural population.
Ofrecemos Soluciones de Ingenieria
Ofrecemos software a media que cumpla con la necesidad.
Creamos simple solucion en Ciber-Fisica y consultoria en Ciber-Fisica
Ofrecemos plataforma de Telemedicina para que Medicos inviertan menos en infraestructura.
Ofrecemos profesionalizacion y capacitacion a traves de la Educaciona Distancia. Collegium Ovirium